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Getting back into ham radio

May 31st 2018, 15:49


Joined: Apr 19th 2018, 17:32
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Hello World ...
I've been out of ham radio for about 10 years but would like to jump back in. I live in a 55+ community that doesn't allow outdoor antennas. I would like to set up a 2 meter base station with an antenna in the attic. My question is can anyone recommend a 2 meter transceiver. I'm also confused by the different modes available ... DStar, EchoLink, APRS? I would think I would gravitate to Dstar but Echolink also sounds interesting. Is there a transceiver on the market today that supports both modes? The last time I was on 2 meters I was using a Gonset Communicator back in the 1950s so you can see I've got some catching up to do. Anyway, any feedback would be welcome. Thanks and 73s from K3CNE (Hatfield, PA)
Jun 29th 2018, 15:07


Joined: Dec 29th 2015, 12:54
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I don't have a recommendation, but i would get a analog / digital radio and get a hot spot to go along with it. At my QTH I started with Dstar and ended up with dstar, fusion and dmr and two hot spots...... I think the addition of a digital besides analog will give you more flexibility.

73's good luck with it de Rich

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