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LOTW and QSL cards

Jun 12th 2015, 20:12


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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I have 79 entities confirmed on LOTW. I have worked 117 but the others are not using LOTW. Since DXCC does not accept ecards from, do I need postmarked QSLs from the other entities if I don't want to wait until I can confirm 100 via LOTW?

Ron Fish, KX1W
Jun 14th 2015, 00:43


Joined: Sep 2nd 2003, 12:14
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They don't have to be postmarked, but yes, you do need to present a physical QSL card for QSOs that are not in LOTW. You can either mail the cards to the ARRL to be checked, or you can have them checked by an official card-checker at many hamfests.

Mark AI4BJ

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