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General Technical Q & A

This forum provides a place for members to ask technical questions and to answer general technical questions of others. There are also specific technical areas for questions and answers, such as RFI and equipment testing.

Topic Author Created Posts Views Activity
Important Topics
Closed Sticky: How to find answers to many technical questions W1RFIAdmin Jul 26th 2011, 00:03 1 16,425 on 26/7/11
by W1RFIAdmin
Closed Sticky: Members answering other members' questions W1RFIAdmin Jul 26th 2011, 00:22 1 15,142 on 26/7/11
by W1RFIAdmin
Closed Sticky: Thanks to all the Elmers here! W1RFIAdmin Aug 2nd 2011, 21:18 1 14,728 on 2/8/11
by W1RFIAdmin
Regular Topics
Open Joined arrow but can’t read the online qst vy1co Nov 24th 2022, 21:53 2 3,146 on 25/11/22
by W1VT
Open SERVICE MANUAL CONTROLLER YAESU G2800GXC DB1KS Oct 16th 2022, 15:22 2 3,271 on 17/10/22
by W1VT
Open Ron Block on Disconnecting Antennas for Lightning snethej Sep 6th 2022, 09:14 3 3,546 on 7/9/22
by snethej
Open antenna 0001529375H80 Jun 21st 2016, 01:33 3 8,038 on 8/8/22
by W1VT
Open The Technical History of Radio KK7BSR Jul 24th 2022, 17:00 2 3,734 on 28/7/22
by AI4BJ
Open All I (newbie) get is white noise sailingrock Jul 22nd 2022, 13:34 1 3,520 on 22/7/22
by sailingrock
Open 'T' or 'F' - "If you hear 'em you can work 'em" xof7fox Jun 7th 2022, 02:30 6 4,049 on 14/7/22
by xof7fox
Open Yaesu FTM 6000R KD9BKU Jul 2nd 2022, 07:03 2 3,960 on 6/7/22
by W1VT
Open Signal Identification @ 18.019 W5KZ Jul 4th 2022, 07:46 1 3,394 on 4/7/22
by W5KZ
Open Connecting the IC7300 to a PC Question Jun 24th 2022, 08:56 1 3,569 on 24/6/22
Open IC-7000 frequency limits wwsisson Jun 1st 2022, 17:13 2 3,681 on 2/6/22
by W1VT
Open Protecting ham equipment from EMP kd2jip Jul 14th 2016, 04:04 3 8,093 on 15/3/22
by w5zac
Open Toyota Prius Prime and HF/VHF/UHF install w4kh Mar 13th 2022, 19:01 2 4,332 on 14/3/22
by W1VT
Open OCFD Woodrow Jan 30th 2022, 18:41 4 4,303 on 19/2/22
by W1VT
Open Question: Grounding Wires and Animals K6LEV Jan 30th 2022, 19:01 4 4,368 on 4/2/22
by K0WUQ
Open Operating 2 stations close together kf0awg Feb 3rd 2022, 14:38 1 4,285 on 3/2/22
by kf0awg
Open Antenna switch question KB0SNE Jan 25th 2022, 12:59 2 4,528 on 25/1/22
by N2CLE
Open Order / Gain Structure of RX Front End? VE2EOT Jan 6th 2022, 10:50 3 4,086 on 6/1/22
Open Pl259 Grounding KO4VLR Jan 5th 2022, 05:48 2 4,215 on 5/1/22
by W1VT
Open Dipole KO4VLR Dec 30th 2021, 14:22 2 6,142 on 30/12/21
by W1VT
Total Topics: 606 Increases Post Count: No Can Read Topics: Yes Can Create Topics: No
Total Posts: 1756 Auto-Lock Topics: No Can Reply: No Can Create Polls: No
Moderators: w1rfi

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