West Palm Beach FL 33415
Start/End Dates: 11/02/2024 - 11/03/2024
Times: 9:00AM to 4:00PM
# of Sessions: 2
Class level: General
Morse code offered: No
Pre register required: Yes
Fee: 0
Pre Study required: Yes
Class Type: Weekend/One Day
Exam offered: Yes
Sponsoring Club/Organization: Jupiter Tequesta Repeater Group and Palm Beach County EOC
Instructor: AG4BV
Albert Moreschi II AG4BV
Phone: (561) 714-6673
Email: aug77@att.net
Location: Palm Beach County Emergency Operations Center
20 South Military Trail
West Palm Beach, FL 33415
Additional Information: Pre-registration and Pre-requisites are required for this course. You will need to purchase a General Class ARRL study manual. 10th Edition.https://home.arrl.org/action/Store/Product-Details/productId/2009476073