![]() September 10, 2014 Editor: Ward Silver, NØAX | ||||||||
NEW HF OPERATORS - THINGS TO DO Here's a brand-new contest that isn't afraid to have a little fun at the same time - the Pirate QSO Party! The idea is to work the other "pirates" while keeping your own stack of doubloons as high as the crow's nest. And if you want a frequency - just put on a menacing scowl and tell the station to "walk the plank!" Who will prevail - pirates of blood-red or ocean-blue? You can acknowledge the exchange with "Arrrrgh!" of course. Thanks to San W6RRR for thinking this one up and let the QRM run in the scuppers! BULLETINS There are no bulletins in this issue BUSTED QSOS No reports of bad data in the previous issue. CONTEST SUMMARY Complete information for all contests follows the Conversation section September 13-14
September 20-21
How do you make a small fortune? Start with a big one and get into ham radio contesting! So goes the saying - obviously we don't do this for the big winner's purses. Instead, certificates are a great way to enjoy our successes and look good up there on the wall. Not everybody wants them, though, so why should contest sponsors go to the considerable effort and expense of providing undesired wallpaper? Well, for the CQ World Wide Contests, they won't have to with addition of the new Cabrillo CERTIFICATE: tag. A simple YES or NO value (the default is, of course, YES - GIMME THAT WALLPAPER!) lets the sponsors know whether or not to generate and mail your paper certificate (you'll still be able to download an electronic certificate). If the new tag is not used, the assumption will be that the certificate should be sent. (Thanks, Randy K5ZD)
The 2015 edition of the ARRL's January VHF Contest will fall on the fourth weekend of January (24-26 January 2015), not the customary third weekend. The fourth weekend was chosen to avoid conflict with NFL playoffs and the Super Bowl. In 2016, things will probably return to normal. (Thanks, ARRL Contest Branch Manager, Matt W1MSW) December will feature a month-long Youngsters On The Air activity - YOTA Month. Listen for European stations with YOTA suffixes, operated by hams 26 years of age or less. Even though North American hams won't be able to change their call signs, this is a great opportunity for our student and young operators to connect with their peers around the world. (Thanks, IARU Region I Youth Coordinator, Lisa PA2LS) RTTY fans - don't forget about the weekly 30-minute NS RTTY Sprint that begins 45 minutes before the NS CW Sprint every Thursday evening. (0145 UTC on Friday) There is plenty of time to reconfigure your station for CW and make an appearance in both sprints. (Thanks, Ken K6MR) It's never too early to upgrade your logging software, especially since there are new categories for the ARRL 10 Meter and 160 Meter contests - Single-Operator Unlimited. Previously, the use of spotting information placed a station in the Multioperator category. The new categories took effect beginning with the ARRL RTTY Roundup in January and their implementation will be complete with these two December contests. Several mobile-device-friendly call sign server applications were recently discussed on the QRP-L email list. These include the Android OS app QRZDroid along with the website of WM7D and the database query tools developed by AE7Q. (Thanks, Joe N1KHB, Rick KD4PYR, Fred NC4FB, and others) Space Weather News for Aug. 31, 2014 notes that aurora season is now fully underway around the Arctic circle. Unlike lower latitudes, the Arctic does not require a full-fledged geomagnetic storm for aurora sightings. Here's a picture of what it's like to fly through an aurora! RW4LR has developed an interesting online visualization tool for DXCC entities, CQ zones, ITU zones, time zones, IOTA groups, and more. Each can be turned on and off as n overlay to a world map - a very interesting exercise. (Thanks, Zoli HA1AG)
While rumors abound, it's good to know that the long-time W4MPY QSL printing business is still in business. Although Wayne has had health problems, his daughter and grand-daughter have taken over the business and are filling orders with about a 2-week turnaround. The phone number is still inactive so please use the website if you want to get in touch with them. And our best wishes to W4MPY, as well. (Thanks, Fred W2AAB) From the 1958 CQ World Wide results writeup, we find the genesis of the multi-multi category: "K2GL had as many as four transmitters going at the same time and with the score on each band equal to the leading single band stations, it's small wonder that they broke the 2 million mark. "Is it true, Buzz, next year you are installing an electronic computer to keep score?" It has been suggested that we re-classify the multi-operator Section. Perhaps divide it into two divisions, single transmitter and multi-transmitter." (Thanks, John N2NC) Web Site of the Week - There are some really interesting efforts going on out there in the DIY (do-it-yourself) community and some might find their way to ham radio. The latest edition of the EDN blog "The Workbench" tips us off to nine World Maker Faire New York makers we should watch in the future. Who are our innovative ham radio makers? WORD TO THE WISE From Tim K3LR, a ham who should know about putting up towers and antennas, comes this piece of advice for everyone who puts up a tower. "It doesn't matter how high the tower is - PLEASE USE THE RIGHT STUFF! If anyone uses the wrong tower hardware and does not have problems or does not get killed, I call that "luck". Do you want to bet your life on luck? Use the EXACT product that is specifically designed for tower applications. Do not take short cuts! Pay attention to the tower, guy wire, and antenna manufacturer's instructions. What is your life or one of your friend's lives worth? PLEASE BE SAFE." The World Wide Radio Operators Foundation (WWROF) is hosting a new webinar on September 11th at 9 PM EDT titled, "A Long Overdue Review of Gray Line Propagation on the Low Bands" with Carl Luetzelschwab K9LA. Carl will trace the origin of gray line propagation and show that there is a problem with the current explanation that propagation along the terminator is efficient. He will then provide an alternative explanation for gray line that satisfies both observations and ionospheric physics." (Thanks, Ken K4ZW) And another webinar follows a week later at 9 PM EDT on September 17th, - "What is Radio Scouting and What Does it Mean to Me?" The webinar is presented by Jim Wilson K5ND, chairman of the Boy Scouts of America's Radio Scouting Committee, President of the K2BSA Amateur Radio Association, and member of the World Scouting JOTA-JOTI Team. Tune in to this webinar to learn more about Jamboree On the Air, catch up with all the amazing activities within Radio Scouting, and learn what it means to you and to Amateur Radio. (Thanks, Keith WAØTJT)
Slides from the talks given at the 2014 Dayton Hamvention Antenna Forum are now posted under "DAYTON ANTENNA SUMMARY" at the K3LR website. Material all the way back to 2004 is available thanks to K5TR, K8MNJ, and K8CX. (Thanks, Tim K3LR) This synchronous pendulum video is striking and will bowl you over as you're pinned to the screen - if you can spare a minute to watch. (Thanks, Tom K1KI) Key lectures from Europe's big Friedrichshafen hamvention are now available. Dokumentationsarchiv Funk, a "Documentary Archive Radio Communications" in Vienna, Austria has both audio and video files from this year's convention, including one in German by DK7ZB on Yagis and Quads, "The Enigma and Other Famous Cipher Machines" by W1TP, and KØIR's presentation on FT5ZM, Amsterdam Island.(Thanks, Daily DX) What was the Internet like 21 years ago? It's hard to recall a time when "online" usually referred to laundry and fish but this Tour Of the Internet will refresh your not-so-dynamic RAM. (Thanks, Bill Saltzstein) ARRL Contest Branch Manager, Matt W1MSW, has been a busy boy lately, sending out awards and posting long-awaited scores and reports. Here are his latest accomplishments:
Section-level records for the ARRL September VHF Contest have been updated through 2013 and are now up on the ARRL Contest Records web page. (Thanks, Curt K9AKS) The line scores and tables of top scores from the 2014 CQWW WPX SSB contest are now available online as a downloadable PDF document. (Thanks, Terry N4TZ) The Alabama Contest Group announces the results for the 2014 Alabama QSO Party are online. Information about plaques and certifications will be forthcoming. (Thanks, Jim KC4HW) CQ WW Director, Randy K5ZD, reports, "N2NC and his team of typists have added two more years, 1969 and 1970, to the CQ WW Online Score database. Hard to believe now, but the CQWW in 1969 only had 1,376 logs on SSB and 1,628 on CW. The world high winner in that year (both modes!) was Jim Neiger (now N6TJ) operating as 9Y4AA." Jim N6TJ responds, "My "killer station" was comprised of a Collins S-Line and a 30L-1 amplifier - never pushing the four 811A's past 600 watts out. Antennas were a Hygain TH6 tribander, Hygain 14AVQ vertical for 40, andinverted V for 80. No 160. Of course, no computer. No memory keyer. Paper and pencil, with eraser. As I seem to recall, I did 48 hours straight, both modes, having just moved from ZD8Z three months earlier, where 48-straight was a must. Oh to be young(er) again." Steve N8BJQ will be doing the writeup for the 2014 CQ VHF contest in the next few weeks. If you would like to contribute a short piece on your operation (fixed/portable/rover) and/or some pictures they would be most welcome. Microsoft Word or a text file are fine - pictures should be high-res JPEG or TIFF. OPERATING TIP In a RTTY contest, to help get your call and exchange through noise and QRM, including a space at the end of your exchange or call helps keep the FSK decoder from appending an extraneous letter at the end due to interference. Also make sure that your audio levels for AFSK are properly adjusted. (Thanks, Mark N2QT) Jim K9YC has generated another interesting publication, this time on the noise emissions from transmitters, both close to the carrier (such as during CW operation) and over a wide bandwidth. The analysis and graphs are based on data measured by the ARRL Lab as part of their product review evaluations and published in QST. A companion presentation by Bob K6XX is also available, showing how to configure and operate so as to produce a cleaner signal. With receivers so good they can hear a pin drop at the antipodes, it's now time to start working on cleaning up our transmitted signals so they don't cover up those weak signals or clobber the station on the next channel (or band!).
VE7BQH has just released an updated spreadsheet comparing the gain, bandwidth and showing proper stacking distances for various popular VHF+ antennas. (Thanks, Lance W7GJ) Pulleys or blocks used to support wire antennas must be chosen to support the halyard holding the antenna without abrading it. Rick N6RK recommends the Harken blocks that are available from many sources, including marine supply stores, McMaster-Carr, and so forth. Whatever you do use, Frank W3LPL notes that using large diameter pulleys is important to keep from bending the rope around a small radius, which creates wear. More from K9YC as Jim discusses avoiding hum and buzz without transformers and setting computer audio playback levels. His advice applies to both SSB and digital modes, with the additional observation that inexpensive USB sound cards work better than internal computer sound card ICs. An new product appeared in a recent Linear Technology article - a mixer designed for good strong-signal performance at VHF+. This might be particularly useful in receivers intended for use in multi-band fixed and mobile stations. Joe W4TV adds more explanation to the discussion of F-keys configured for multi-media or system control. "The user can generally configure the start-up behavior of function keys using vendor-specific applications or disable the "alternate" functions altogether using the software. In some cases, disabling the automatic loading of the drivers will restore normal operating system use of the F-keys... Generally, the on-line documentation and/or the OEM 'management software' will provide the necessary information if one is willing to take the time and look for it." One more note from the prolific K9YC as Jim observes that most vehicle power systems are not set up to minimize the area formed by a radio's power supply wiring. If the current return (negative) lead is not kept with the supply (positive) lead all the way to and from the battery, those paths form large-area loops that are ideal for common-mode coupling! This is a recipe for noise pickup and RFI! When possible use heavy twisted-pair or zip cord to connect your radio directly to the battery (or a power tap with both positive and negative terminals), fusing both leads.
With the summer sporadic E season behind us, paying attention to beacons takes on even more importance to capitalize on tropo and other fall and winter VHF+ modes. WA8RJF's "The Magic Band(s)" column in the July issue of CQ alerts us to W2DSN's Beacon Spot US website for beacon data at VHF, UHF, and microwaves. Technical Web Site of the Week - The six-part "Antenna Interactions" series of National Contest Journal articles by K3NA are now available in the Bonus Content area of the NCJ website. Search for the phrase "Antenna Interactions" and you will find all six parts of the article. (Thanks, Kirk K4RO) Auntie Coreen Explains Contesting How does ham radio contesting look from just outside the shack door? Let's listen in as a couple of VE9AA's family members, Auntie Coreen and her nephew, discuss our favorite hobby. Maybe this will help you explain a little of what you do, as well. Thanks to Mike for sharing this extended dialogue with the Contest Update! 73, Ward NØAX NEPHEW: (Two little puppydog eyes look waaaay up) Auntie Coreen, Can I ask you a question? AUNT COREEN: Yes little nephew, what is it hon? Does Uncle Mike not like me anymore? (a tear in the little boy's eye) That's silly, he loves you dear. (she smiles) How come Auntie, when I come over on weekends, he's always in his shop? That's because he's contesting. (she says in a low voice)
Contesting? What's that? It's a radio contest nephew. You mean like when you are the 10th caller and you win a burger and fries from that DJ on 105.3 The Fox FM radio? No, not that kind of contest. What kind then? Well, it's a HAM radio contest. Ham? Like what we have at Easter with pineapples? No, Amateur Radio Ham, that kind. Amateur radio. Hmmm. Is that why Uncle Mike has all those antennas on his red car and all those wires in the fir trees? Yes hon, he's a ham radio guy, but mostly just on weekends. He seems so normal during the week Auntie. Is he OK? Like why does he do these contests Auntie? Can he win prizes or sumfin'? (bewildered look on the little boy's face) Sometimes dear, sometimes. (kinda tips head; not knowing what to say) What has he won? Oh, a bunch of wallpaper and a few plaques I guess. He got rice from one contest in the Midwest and we enjoyed maple syrup from Nova Scotia this year. If we open the door and are very quiet we can peek in on him doing his work and have a look at his wall. (creeeeeeak...shack door opens slowwwwly...(yelling) CQ CONTEST Victor Echo Nine Alpha Alpha, contest...) Who is he talking to Auntie and where is this wallpaper? Probably someone far away dear. His wallpaper is those certificates that come in the mail now and then. See them on the wall there next to our pictures? ((yelling) You're 5-9 November Bravo...) Who's November Bravo Auntie Coreen? It's us. Us? Yes, November Bravo means New Brunswick. Huh? It's phonetics. Each letter has its own word and hams use it to express what they are spelling like you do in grade one. Spelling is always important. I don't hear anyone talking to him. That's because he has his headphones on. Oh. Does he use them to hear far away people better? Yes, and so the noise doesn't bother us also. Noise? (Uncle Mike takes off his headphones and a roar ensues...Delta Lima Italy Kilo One Papa Alpha Zulu Zulu Tango Mike Four crackle/squeal...) WOW Auntie, that IS loud. Please ask him to put his headphones back on. We won't have to dear, he was just seeing if we wanted anything. (She motions to Mike that everything's ok and to go back to his contest work. Mike looks over the top of his spectacles and goes back to work, huffing and puffing, cheeks rosy as ever.) I heard a lot of loud voices Auntie. Yes dear. A lot of people want New Brunswick. Is that November Bravo? Yes dear. Why do they want it? I guess it's rare. Rare like those red steaks he puts on the BBQ in the summer? No dear. There aren't many contesting hams way up here in the snowy Arctic regions of NB. Oh....??. (little nephew looks down, looking scared) Do they want to take November Bravo away? No dear, they want to work your Uncle Mike. Work him? Doesn't he already have a job making toys all year long? Yes, but they want to make contact with him and put him in their log for points. Auntie, I really don't know what you are talking about now. There are so many words that have other meanings. (head spinning) They exchange numbers and letters and each person makes a note in their computer program that they talked to the other and at the end, a board adds up the points. Board? Is that how they make the log? No silly. I mean a group of trusted organizers add up everyone's points and determines who wins. Who DOES win Auntie? Many people, dear. People do it mostly for fun and there are many classes. I have classes at my school, Jingle Bell Elementary! I have Math and Reading and even Spelling. I could write some notes and give them to Uncle Mike and help him out!!! Well, he has to talk to you on the radio to make it count, but if you smile at Uncle Mike, I am sure he'll see you, even if he's yelling at someone. Why is he yelling? Is he mad? No, he's not mad. It's just that there are lots of people from all over the world on the radio all talking at once.....like when I took you Christmas shopping during that big sale at the mall last week. Remember that big crowd? Do I ever! You lost me and I cried. I yelled and you yelled and we found each other. Well, its kinda like that nephew, but with points for getting back together. Will Uncle Mike always do this? I never see him anymore on the weekends. No dear, he's promised to retire at midnight on New Year's Eve. Retire? Like Grampy did? Yes, put up his microphone and keyer up for most of the year and take it easy. Easy - Uncle Mike? But he's always tinkering with something....and what's a keyer? Well, a keyer is what makes those beeping noises you hear other times when he unplugs his headphones. I think this weekend it's a multimode contest. Mode...Grampy has his pie a la mode, I know that. Is that the mode? No, mode is like either talking or Morse Code rat-tat-tat (beeping) that kinda mode. Oh I heard that last weekend. Sounded like angry bees. Kinda scared me. Yes, Uncle Mike deciphers those beeps and makes sense out of it in the same way he does of all that yelling. (Mike unplugs headphones _ ./..../.._ _ _ /_/ ...../_ ./_./ _ ./_. . .) Are those beeps what causes the Christmas lights to flash out by his antenna above the shed? When he's on 10 meters, yes. 10 meters? You means those dials on his radio and other boxes. I counted ten of them. Well, sort of, it's when he puts on his amplifier, those lights really twinkle! He works very hard to get his signal to all the boys and girls, all over the globe. Sometimes in just one night! Wow Auntie, I am glad he's going to retire. He seems so stressed. He is dear, but I guess it's fun for him in his own way. After the contests he reads all the letters and reports and nods his head and laughs until his belly shakes and really looks forward to reading all the stories everyone writes. The guy who made a million points or even 100 points, they are all special to him. (eyes get wide) A MILLION POINTS! Yes and also, he's been pushing it real hard all year for ANS points dear, but after Jan 1st, he's only going to do it for WRTC points. What are ANS points? Hand me your smart phone nephew. (Nephew hands phone to Auntie gently. Auntie brings up www.maritimecontestclub.com and then looks up the links for maritimecontestclub.com/themccansaward.html) See these pages? Oh, I see. (looks around not really getting it.) He gets a certain amount of points for every contest and then another guy adds them all up for all the Maritimers, so they can have a friendly competition between one another and increase activity for our area here in the North. (deer walk across the yard, just outside the window) Wow Auntie, that seems like a lot of work for just one plaque. It is dear. Why does he do it? No one knows for sure. Can't he just cut a board on his table saw? I saw him make you a bird house one time. He made me a toy soldier. And those feeders for the deer out back. His workshop is full of wood. Yes, but it's a challenge nephew. I guess maybe that's why he does it. So, after this ANS thing, there is a WRTC thing? Yes. What's that? It's kinda like the Radio Olympics. Olympics! I know what they are Auntie. I watched them on TV. I like the runners. They're fast. Well, it's like that, but only for radio hams. They are all in a race. And he has to be on again every weekend for another year? No, only 5 or 10 contests a year for about 2½ years. And he'll win a torch or a gold medal or a million points? Probably not dear. He just wants to see if he can get his call sign VE9AA to climb up the standings a few more notches , only just for fun. How many contests has he done this year? Around 125. 125!!! WOW - Are there that many weekends in a year Auntie Coreen? No hon, but often he does more than one a weekend. Sometimes he uses packet to assist him, like having many little helpers to get the work done. WOW, Uncle Mike is crazy. Uh-huh (she nods her head). Is that why he drinks six cups of coffee even before coffee break in the mornings? Yes, well, he needs the caffeine to keep up with the other runners. He's not as young as he used to be you know. With a big belly and a greying beard and that red shirt, he's showing his age during this festive season. And does he know any of these other runner guys? Some of them. He talks to people on the radio and gets letters and emails from all over the world dear. Many are his friends, but some are naughty and he's not friendly with them much because they have nasty signals and they're rude. Today on his lunch break I made him some cookies and milk and he told me that special friends from India and Guam called him and the excitement on his face was like you are on Christmas morning little one. Where else has he talked to? Well, all over the world really. USA, Canada, many places in Europe like the Netherlands we visited a couple years ago, remember that place? Oh yes, I loved Holland! So many tulips, windmills, chocolate , wooden shoes, and cheese....You're from there right? Is that why Sinter Klaas brought us chocolate for our shoes the other night? Yes dear. The Dutch people were very nice to us. Maybe if Uncle Mike gets off the radio a bit we can save up and go back someday and see them again. What other places has he talked to? All kinds of places hon. I am sure Uncle Mike will tell us tomorrow where else his signal has landed last night. I hear him saying "Arigato" now, so I think he just talked to Japan. He likes to be friendly with everyone. And they understood him Auntie!! He can speak Japanese. Cool. We better shut the shop door, Uncle Mike can't hear the weak signals now as it's getting dark. He knows a few words and is just being friendly to all the boys and girls on the radio. How many more contests does he have left this year? Only a few. One of the last this year is the RAC Winter contest, which is his time to say Hello, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays and thank all his radio friends for all the points they exchanged all year long. He enjoys the BIG contests and the QSO Parties too. After that is the big Stew. Parties with Stew? Like Uncle Mike makes with the leftover turkey bones on Boxing Day? No dear, the Stew Perry. It's a Top Band contest. Top...uhh..band? Is that a holiday music contest Auntie? No, it's a special band very low on the dial and in this one where they award points based on distance talked. Like when I throw a snowball farther than little Elfy next door and I win? Sort of. Uncle Mike really loves all this contesting stuff eh? Yes dear, but it's been a hard year on him. So much to do at work and he misses spending weekend time with his family at home. He's spent all year building up these points in his workshop only to have them all go away on New Year's Eve. That's why he's said he's going to do less contests from now on and take some time off over the holidays to be with all of us like most other families are doing around this time of year. He really loves us Auntie, huh? (sniffles) Yes dear. I bet all hams love their families. (she gleams) September 10-23 An expanded, downloadable version of QST's Contest Corral in PDF format is available. Check the sponsor's Web site for information on operating time restrictions and other instructions. HF CONTESTS North American Sprint--Phone, from Sep 14, 0000Z to Sep 14, 0359Z. Bands (MHz): 3.5-14. Exchange: Call signs, serial, name, and state. Logs due: 7 days. Rules Worked All Europe DX Contest--Phone, from Sep 13, 0000Z to Sep 14, 2400Z. Bands (MHz): 3.5-28. Exchange: RS and serial. Logs due: 2 weeks. Rules FOC QSO Party--CW, from Sep 13, 0000Z to Sep 13, 2359Z. Bands (MHz): 1.8-28. Exchange: RST, name, FOC nr if member. Logs due: 7 days. Rules Straight Key Weekend Sprintathon--CW, from Sep 13, 1200Z to Sep 14, 2359Z. Bands (MHz): 1.8-28, 50. Exchange: RST, QTH, name, member nr if member. Logs due: 5 days. Rules Arkansas QSO Party--Phone,CW,Digital, from Sep 13, 1400Z to Sep 14, 0200Z. Bands (MHz): 3.5-28, 144, CW--40 kHz above band edge; Phone--3.85, 7.18, 14.28, 21.38, 28.38, 146.55; PSK31--3.58, 7.08, 14.07015, 21.08, 28.08 MHz. Exchange: RS(T), county or S/P or "DX". Logs due: Oct 10. Rules Classic Exchange--Phone, from Sep 14, 1300Z to Sep 15, 0700Z. Bands (MHz): 1.8-28, 50,144, SSB--1.885, 3.87, 7.28, 14.27, 21.37, 28.39; AM--1.89, 3.88, 7.16, 7.29, 14.286, 21.42, 29.0 MHz. Exchange: Name, RS, S/P/C, type of equipment. Logs due: 60 days. Rules Run For the Bacon--CW, from Sep 15, 0100Z to Sep 15, 0300Z. Bands (MHz): 1.8-28. Monthly on 3rd Sunday night (local); CW--1.812, 3.562, 7.044, 7.104. 14.062, 21.062, 27.185, 28.062 MHz. Exchange: RST, S/P/C, Flying Pig nr or power. Rules NAQCC Monthly QRP Sprint--CW, from Sep 18, 0030Z to Sep 18, 0230Z. Bands (MHz): 3.5-14. Monthly on 2nd Tuesday or 3rd Wednesday local time (alternating). Exchange: RST, S/P/C, and NAQCC mbr nr or power. Logs due: 4 days. Rules Scandinavian Activity Contest--CW, from Sep 20, 1200Z to Sep 21, 1159Z. Bands (MHz): 3.5-28. Exchange: RST and serial. Logs due: 7 days. Rules South Carolina QSO Party--Phone,CW,Digital, from Sep 20, 1400Z to Sep 21, 0300Z. Bands (MHz): 3.5-28, 50+, CW--1.815, 3.545, 7.045, 14.045, 21.045, 28.045, 50.095; Phone--1.865, 3,810, 7.190, 14.250, 21.300, 28.450, 50.135 MHz. Exchange: RS(T) and county or S/P/C. Logs due: 30 days. Rules Feld-Hell Hell on Wheels Sprint--Digital, from Sep 20, 1600Z to Sep 20, 1800Z. Bands (MHz): 1.8-28. Monthly on 3rd Saturday. Exchange: RST, S/P/C, Feld-Hell member nr. Logs due: 7 days. Rules Washington State Salmon Run--Phone,CW,Digital, from Sep 20, 1600Z to Sep 21, 2400Z. Bands (MHz): 1.8-28, 50,144, See website. Exchange: RS(T) and county or S/P/C. Logs due: 2 weeks. Rules Classic Exchange--CW, from Sep 21, 1300Z to Sep 23, 0700Z. Bands (MHz): 1.8-28, 50,144, 1.820, 3.545, 7.045, 14.045, 21.135, 28.05, 50.1, 144.1 MHz. Exchange: Name, RS, S/P/C, type of equipment. Logs due: 60 days. Rules BARTG Sprint 75--Digital, from Sep 21, 1700Z to Sep 21, 2100Z. Bands (MHz): 3.5-28. Exchange: Serial. Logs due: Nov 1. Rules VHF+ CONTESTS ARRL September VHF Contest--Phone,CW,Digital, from Sep 13, 1800Z to Sep 15, 0259Z. Bands (MHz): 50+. Exchange: 4-char grid square. Logs due: Oct 15. Rules ARRL 10 GHz Cumulative Contest--Phone,CW,Digital, from Sep 20, 6 AM to Sep 21, 12 mid. Bands (MHz): 10G+. Exchange: 6-char grid locator. Logs due: Oct 21. Rules Straight Key Weekend Sprintathon--CW, from Sep 13, 1200Z to Sep 14, 2359Z. Bands (MHz): 1.8-28, 50. Exchange: RST, QTH, name, member nr if member. Logs due: 5 days. Rules Arkansas QSO Party--Phone,CW,Digital, from Sep 13, 1400Z to Sep 14, 0200Z. Bands (MHz): 3.5-28, 144, CW--40 kHz above band edge; Phone--3.85, 7.18, 14.28, 21.38, 28.38, 146.55; PSK31--3.58, 7.08, 14.07015, 21.08, 28.08 MHz. Exchange: RS(T), county or S/P or "DX". Logs due: Oct 10. Rules Classic Exchange--Phone, from Sep 14, 1300Z to Sep 15, 0700Z. Bands (MHz): 1.8-28, 50,144, SSB--1.885, 3.87, 7.28, 14.27, 21.37, 28.39; AM--1.89, 3.88, 7.16, 7.29, 14.286, 21.42, 29.0 MHz. Exchange: Name, RS, S/P/C, type of equipment. Logs due: 60 days. Rules South Carolina QSO Party--Phone,CW,Digital, from Sep 20, 1400Z to Sep 21, 0300Z. Bands (MHz): 3.5-28, 50+, CW--1.815, 3.545, 7.045, 14.045, 21.045, 28.045, 50.095; Phone--1.865, 3,810, 7.190, 14.250, 21.300, 28.450, 50.135 MHz. Exchange: RS(T) and county or S/P/C. Logs due: 30 days. Rules Washington State Salmon Run--Phone,CW,Digital, from Sep 20, 1600Z to Sep 21, 2400Z. Bands (MHz): 1.8-28, 50,144, See website. Exchange: RS(T) and county or S/P/C. Logs due: 2 weeks. Rules Classic Exchange--CW, from Sep 21, 1300Z to Sep 23, 0700Z. Bands (MHz): 1.8-28, 50,144, 1.820, 3.545, 7.045, 14.045, 21.135, 28.05, 50.1, 144.1 MHz. Exchange: Name, RS, S/P/C, type of equipment. Logs due: 60 days. Rules 144 MHz Fall VHF Sprint--Phone,CW,Digital, from Sep 22, 7 PM to Sep 22, 11 PM. Bands (MHz): 144. Exchange: 4-char grid square. Logs due: 2 weeks. Rules LOG DUE DATES September 10-23
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