![]() May 28, 2008 Editor: Ward Silver, NØAX | ||||
NEW HF OPERATORS - THINGS TO DO If you are building up your code speed and the Big Stations running lickety-split are just a bit too much to handle, slide up high in the band and call CQ TEST at a comfortable speed. You may attract the attention of other callers looking for a slow-speed QSO. BULLETINS The Contester's Rate Sheet has a new name - ARRL Contest Update - and a sub-title, as well - "News and Techniques for the Active Operator". The sub-title is intended to provide more information about "what's inside" to prospective readers, contesters, and Web site browsers. The bigger change, of course, is the brand-new format. If you are reading the text-only version, click on over to the Rate Sheet...er...Contest Update's Web page. There you will find all the back issues and you can also use your Web browser to read the new version. Gmail users - Gmail and HTML occasionally don't get along as well as they could. Paragraph headings and the like are often de-graphic'ed by the Gmail display software. We will be modifying the layout and format, but until all the issues get worked out (and it may take a while), please click on the Contest Update link at the top of the newsletter to view the HTML version from your browser. Your patience is appreciated while we continue to fine-tune the process of converting to the new format. Your editor will keep an eye on the size of the newsletter to keep it from becoming implausibly large for dial-up readers. BUSTED QSOS My apologies for letting an error slip in to the exchange for CQ WPX last week. I trust that everyone determined that it was not necessary to send the Spanish region abbreviation following the serial number! (Thanks, Ron K2RP) CONTEST SUMMARY (Rules follow Commentary section) May 31-June 1
June 7-8
NEWS, PRESS RELEASES, AND GENERAL INTEREST A special tip of the editorial cap is due all of the Dayton Hamvention committee and volunteers, especially the weather subcommittee that finessed the inevitable showers into the night-time hours. Many reports were received that the event was very enjoyable! ARRL Contest Branch Manager, Sean Kutzko KX9X has started a Contest Branch blog "Notes From the Contest Branch" for all things Contest Branch related. Sean will post updates on results, awards, problems, and anything contesters need to know about, both HF and VHF+. Yaesu is now a sponsor of the ARRL's Logbook Of the World (LOTW). Sponsorship of LOTW will help maintain the system as it continues to expand with over 150 million QSOs. More and more DX stations are uploading logs to LOTW and with postage costs increasing regularly, electronic confirmation can provide a significant cost savings. Your distracted editor inadvertently omitted noting that Randy Thompson K5ZD has been named the Director of the CQ WPX Contest program, replacing Steve Merchant K6AW. Randy's is a familiar call in many contests and as noted below, is the newest member of the CQ Hall of Fame. Randy has started a CQ WPX blog on the Web site. Thanks to K6AW for his excellent stewardship of this popular contest program - and welcome, Randy! Active VHF+ contester Gabor Horvath VE7DXG (ve7dxg@rac.ca) has been named Chair of the Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) VHF/UHF Bandplanning Committee by RAC President VO1AU/VE3AAQ. The Committee's role is to make recommendations to the RAC Board on how Amateur spectrum between 30MHz and 2GHz is divided among the various modes and techniques employed by Canadian Radio Amateurs. Gabor is looking for volunteers to serve on the committee and begin the process of reviewing and updating the current band plans. (Thanks, Lynn N7CFO) Don't forget about the Field Day Site Locator on the ARRL Web site if you don't have Field Day plans yet. This is a good way to find sites to visit, refer new hams to some active groups, or maybe throw in and put your shoulder to another group's wheel. As of May 21, over 800 groups in all 50 states have added their information to the site, so there is no shortage of possibilities. At the least, it would be interesting just to see who else will be active and from what locations. (Thanks, Dan N1ND) Launched in 1998, the OH2AQ DX Summit has been a reliable tool for DX and contest spotting for a decade. It was based on a concept and the computing power of those bygone days and changed radio forever. Activated on May 23, the new DX Summit (please update those browser bookmarks with the new URL), operated by the ham group Arcala Extremes (OH8X) and supported by Yasme Foundation Inc, boasts a 1000-fold increase in computing power with easy access to configure a Microsoft Server 2003 platform with dedicated servers for information handling and data storage. A huge amount of data will be collected for potential future applications. The system has been developed by Admino Technologies Ltd, located in Oulu, Northern Finland. (Thanks, Martti OH2BH) Thanks to Tim K3LR for organizing Contest University at the Hamvention. More than 200 eager and attentive students showed up to soak in lectures from instructors with a total of more than 300 operator-years of experience! Tim's constant attention insured that the whole shebang ran as smooth as KH6IJ's fabled fist. Not satisfied with just one production, Tim also manages Friday's Antenna Forum! (Antenna Forum presentations are available through the Dayton Antenna Summary 2008 button on the home page of K3LR's Web site.) Along with Tim, Doug K1DG put together a fine Contest Forum on Saturday, as well. Thanks to both gentlemen for their untiring efforts on our behalf. Veterans (survivors?) of the Dayton Hamvention Flea Market have often wondered just how much walking it really takes to see every parking lot booth. Doug W9WI made a rough estimate of the distance by pacing off the width of a space. (He calculated 8 feet, about 2.4m) and used the map printed in the program to count the spaces. "Allowing for the aisles between the rows and allowing 8 ft to turn around at the end of each row, I arrived at 3.81 miles (about 6 km) as the distance of one lap of the flea market. This does not count the walk from the bus to the lot, nor does it include the distance spent backtracking to that thing you really needed and which sold before you got there, nor going to the porta-potty and back, nor hauling that rotor or plate transformer to the UPS Store." Funny thing - knowing how far it is doesn't make my feet feel any better at all! Dan WD8AAU suggests packing an extra pair of dry socks in a plastic bag as an instant refresher for those tired tootsies. "Priceless!" he opines.
One thing to stop and watch during Hamvention was the AMSAT booth where the first stages of the Eagle satellite structure were on display. The four honeycomb panels with electronics have been returned to AMSAT's Maryland lab for completion. Using the callsign W5IU the demo team was on the air via AO-7, AO-16, AO-27, AO-51, and VO-52 on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. (From AMSAT bulletin $ANS-138.103) RF Space, makers of the SDR-IQ software defined receiver, announced plans to build a new SDR unit that will feature both 6 meter and 2 meter reception capabilities. (Thanks, Les N1LF) New amplifier models were shown at Dayton by Alpha (the Alpha 8410) and Emtron (the Emtron DX2A). Both amplifiers use 4CX1000A tubes made in China. The DX2A uses one tube and the newer DX3 models will use a pair of tubes. It may be possible to substitute 4CX1500A tubes that offer higher plate dissipation. If you like red, white, and blue in your shack, Vibroplex has introduced a line of keys and paddles with solid-color bases. Idiom Press was showing off their new LogiKlipper RF Speech Processor and the Rotor Illuminator - a solid-state LED replacement board for those rotator control box light bulbs that keep burning out. (The burned out bulbs can be made into nice miniature Christmas tree ornaments!) Both of these new products have yet to make an appearance on the Idiom Press Web site, but expect information soon. With all the new technology raining down and the contest sponsors scrambling to keep up with rules and category definitions, it would be very helpful to use the Soapbox portion of your log to describe what new gadgets you used. This will allow the sponsors to evaluate the effects of the new technology and make better decisions for the contests. (Thanks, Randy K5ZD, CQ WPX Contest Director) While one might wish for a little more solar activity, nature has a way of reminding us that one must be careful with one's wishes. This Physorg story tells the tale of a small star unleashing a huge flare capable of "sterilizing [the] surfaces" of life-bearing planets. Um, that would be us. To give recognition where it is due, here is the complete list of CQ Magazine Hall of Fame inductees at the Dayton Hamvention this year: CQ Amateur Radio Hall of Fame Gaston Bertels, ON4WF - Honorary President, former President & CEO, UBA (Belgian IARU society); founder & President, AMSAT Belgium; Chairman, ARISS Europe L.B. Cebik, W4RNL (SK) - Noted antenna authority, prolific author on topics relating to antennas and antenna modeling Gordon England, ex-W3AWO - Deputy Secretary of Defense; former Secretary of the Navy; former defense industry executive Adm. Edmund Giambastiani, N4OC - Retired Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Gerald Griffin, MD, K6MD - Brigadier General, Medical Corps, US Army (Ret.) - Led medical brigades and humanitarian missions in various combat zones; delegate to NATO medical advisory committee Larnelle Harris, WD4LZC - Multi-award-winning Gospel singer/songwriter Lenore Jensen, W6NAZ (SK) - Co-Founder, Young Ladies' Radio League (YLRL) John Kanzius, K3TUP - Inventor of possible cure for cancer using RF energy; process for possible use of seawater as fuel Charles (Chip) Margelli, K7JA - DXer and DXpeditioner; arranged the use of Yaesu equipment for countless DXpeditions; successfully represented hams in Morse code vs. text-messaging competition on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" in 2005 Philip S. Rand, W1DBM (SK) - TVI pioneer; author, Television Interference; engineer, Remington-Rand (son of one of the founders); author, many articles in CQ and QST Vice Adm. Scott Redd (Ret.), K0DQ / A92Q - Former Director, National Counterterrorism Center; Retired Commander, US Fifth Fleet; active contester and DXer Dr. Tony Tether, K2TGE - Director, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Dr. Hamadoun I. Touri, HB9EHT - Secretary-General, International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Dr. John Townsend, W3PRB - Space program pioneer, aerospace industry executive. CQ DX Hall of Fame John Devoldere, ON4UN, who more or less single-handedly popularized DXing on 80 meters. His book, Low Band DXing, is considered the "bible" for DXing on these bands, with more than 50,000 copies sold in the 20+ years in which it's been in print. John was the first ham to earn CQ's 5-Band Worked All Zones (5BWAZ) award, in 1979; he holds 80m DXCC certificate #1 and currently has 357 countries confirmed on the band. Nellie Saltiel de Lazard, XE1CI, a pediatrician and DXer/DXpeditioner, Nellie has earned just about every major DXing award and has operated from more than a dozen different countries, including being the first YL to operate from Palestine (E4). Bob Schenck, N2OO, has made his greatest contribution to DXing behind the scenes as QSL manager for over 100 DX stations and more than 130 DXpeditions and as founder of the QSL Manager's Society. CQ Contest Hall of Fame Paolo Cortese, I2UIY, has too many top-10 finishes to list. Off the air, Paolo served for more than a decade as the HF Contest Manager for Italy's national amateur radio association; wrote a book on contesting, has been a member of the CQWW Contest Committee since 1990 and co-director of the CQ WW RTTY DX Contest and CQ WPX RTTY Contest since 2005. Randy Thompson, K5ZD, has multiple wins in the CQ World Wide DX Contest, ARRL Sweepstakes, CQ WPX (CW and SSB), CQ 160 and the IARU HF Championship. His station has also hosted many #1 performances by guest operators. Randy is three-time editor of the National Contest Journal, co-founder of the e-ham.net Web site. He has just been named Director of the CQ WPX Contests. (Thanks to John K1AR for forwarding this list) No doubt you will all find this "ribbit-ing" - Ralph K9ZO notes that, "The spring issue of the University of Illinois Electrical Engineering newsletter, "Resonance," contains an article about frogs communicating in a pond to define territory and find mates. It references a short video that visually displays the results of sound captured by directional microphones. This biological research seems to have a few parallels with the contesting environment." Just thinking - would a group of Morse code aficionados be a key clique? With all of the hubbub over automated receiving systems, Jim K1IR has taken things one step farther by announcing RoboRef(tm). The new system hears and records all transmissions on all contest bands simultaneously. Advanced database analysis techniques allow RoboRef to identify many rule violations at the moment they occur, providing human judges with information that can be used immediately as the basis for warnings, reclassifications, and disqualifications. (Thanks, Tom K1KI) URL of the Week - If you're the type that likes to prowl around in databases in search of illumination and elucidation, Hamdata will provide hours of entertainment with information on and about hams and ham radio. (Thanks, Dennis N6KI)
WORD TO THE WISE Unique - a unique call sign, from the standpoint of contest log checking, is one that does not appear in any other submitted log and can not be demonstrated with a high degree of confidence to be miscopied from some "close" valid call. Most contest programs count QSOs with unique calls at full credit. SIGHTS AND SOUNDS The new music video from The Ham Band is now available for free download! When you visit the site, place it in your shopping cart - the cost is zero dollars - and it's available in several qualities to suit your Internet connectivity. Use the email address lissa@lissa.dk and password lissa to view it. (Thanks, Andrew OZ1ZJ and Lissa) If you couldn't make it to Dayton this year, roving photographer and consumer of Hooters wings Paul K9PG has posted his picture parade for your perusal. You can find additional sights from the hamfest on the Hamvention Web site. If you didn't follow Dick K6KR, Paolo I2UIY, and Rusty W6OAT on their cross-continent travels to and from the Hamvention, Paolo's blog is worth a visit for some of the many great photos of familiar and unfamiliar sites and faces. RESULTS AND RECORDS Preliminary results for the January 2008 NAQP CW Contest are now available on the NCJ web site. Preliminary NAQP SSB results will be posted in a few days. (Thanks, Bruce WA7BNM) The CQ WPX Contest is pleased to announce the addition of two new awards, effective with this year's contest (the CW version ran this past weekend, but it's never too early to start planning for 2009). In the Tribander/Single Element (TB-WIRES) category the World High Scorer on each mode will receive a plaque sponsored by Helmut Mueller DF7VS, and the USA High scorer on each mode will receive a plaque sponsored by Paul Newberry, N4PN. Thanks to the donors! (Thanks, Doug K1DG, CQ WPX Contest Awards Manager) Certificates and plaques for the 2007 CQWW VHF Contest were mailed about a week ago with a handful mailed yesterday. Thanks to John, K9JK, for printing up the certificates. The 2007 Results with all the scores appeared in the February issue of CQ and is now posted on the contest Web site. The announcement and rules for the 2008 contest, July 19 - 20, also are now posted and will be in the upcoming June issue of CQ. A new feature has been added to the Web site thanks to Curt, K9AKS: contest records by call area and country for each category. The rover records will be added shortly. (Thanks, CQ VHF Contest Manager, John W1XX) Congratulations to Doug W9WI, winner of the annual Kansas City DX Club Pileup Contest held every year on Saturday night of the Dayton Hamvention. Pileup tapes are devilishly prepared by Tom N0SS and played back to six contestants at a time for a period of five minutes. Doug copied 52 of the 100 possible calls, while KE3Q and VE3DZ both copied 50 in second place. In case you were wondering, in a modern day version of "John Henry And the Steam Drill" a DSP CW Skimmer was given the same test and it copied 31 calls out of the mess. (Thanks, Alex KU1CW) OPERATING TIP If a caller asks the station you're calling to QSY to another band for a multiplier, follow them! For sure, the pileup on the new band will be much smaller and you might pick up a multiplier yourself before the station returns to the original band. If you don't call on the new band, listen for the station to return to the original band. Drop in your call a couple of times and see if you don't pick up a quick QSO while everyone else is waiting for a CQ. The practice of moving stations can be aggravating, but it can be turned to your advantage if you are alert and can QSY quickly. TECHNICAL TIPS AND INFORMATION Jim K9YC and Roger K8RI were quick to point out on the Amps reflector that autotransformers (such as Variacs) should never be connected in series. Such a connection does not allow a proper neutral. "Autotransformers ARE safe devices -- IF used properly. Proper means the entire winding connected between "hot" and "neutral," the load connected between the tap and neutral, and the green (safety ground) carried from source to load and connected to the transformer frame." Connecting regular transformers in series is often done to increase or decrease output voltage. Autotransformers can not be used in this application, however.
Some high-power amps, particularly at VHF and higher, use water-cooled power tubes. Any old water? Most likely not. Bill K8CU's "Vacuum Tube Liquid Cooling System" Web site describes an amp based on the GS-35A tube. Deionized or distilled water available at the grocery or department store will work fine as long as the water's conductivity is closely monitored. Restorers of old radios - broadcast or amateur - will find the Lin Robertson's Old Time Radio Web site of interest. (Thanks, Dennis N6KI) Do you remember the distinctive double-diamond broadcast towers in old radio literature? Those are examples of the Blaw-Know design. There is one belonging to WLW that stands just off the interstate, near the old VOA installation north of Cinncinnati. You may have seen it on your way to or from the Hamvention. This informative paper deals with both the mechanical and RF reasons for the unique design and much of it is contributed by broadcast engineers who happen to be hams. (Thanks, Don N4KC) Most of the time we think about pouring new concrete for tower bases and anchors. Sometimes, though, we have to remove them! In that case, this tool found by Ralph K9ZO would be handy. It can break up rock, too. If you are pouring a large base or anchor, in many circumstances you can cut costs by using broken concrete rubble as a filler. The rubble can often be yours for free if you are willing to break it up yourself and haul it away. TECHNICAL URL OF THE WEEK - We all know about ham radio contests, but what about software programming contests? Tom K1KI sent this link to a Dr Dobbs Journal article about competitions in a milieu not so very far away from those on the airwaves. CONVERSATION With all the focus on technology in contesting, it's only natural that the story will be immortalized in song. I have a modest example here...
Rearranged from Sinatra's original by Dr Beldar (with inspiration from KX9X and N1ND)
Robots in the night exchanging packets Tuning through the night what were the chances They'd fill each other's logs Before the 'test was through?
Something in their spots was so inviting The RF to their amps was so exciting The multiplier list Showed they were needed Q's.
Robots in the night, two lonely stations Sending beacons through the night Up to the moment When they made their QSO Little did they know Points were just an ACK away A channel changing scan away and
One call timed just right to place the headers In the decoder's sights, without bit errors Their checksums came out right For robots in the night.
CONTESTS - 28 May through 11 June 2008 Note that the following abbreviations are used to condense the contest rules summaries: SO - Single-Op; M2 - Multi-Op - 2 Transmitters; MO - Multi-Op; MS - Multi-Op, Single Transmitter; MM - Multi-Op, Multiple Transmitters; AB - All Band; SB - Single Band; S/P/C - State/Province/DXCC Entity; HP - High Power (>100 W); LP - Low Power; QRP (5W or less) An expanded, downloadable version of QST's Contest Corral in PDF format is available at http://www.arrl.org/contest. Check the sponsor's Web site for information on operating time restrictions and other instructions. HF CONTESTS Bill Windle QSO Party, CW, from 31 May 0000Z to 31 May 2359Z. Bands (MHz): 1.8-28, and 50,144, 15 to 40 kHz above band edge. Exchange: RST, name, FOC number. Logs due: 7-Jun. Web site: http://www.firstclasscw.org.uk Kids Roundup, Phone, from 31 May 1400Z to 1 Jun 2200Z. Bands (MHz): 3.5-28 and 50-440. Exchange: Call sign, QTH, category, first name. Logs due: 28-Jun. Web site: http://www.ki3ds.org PVRC Reunion, Phone/CW/Digital, from 7 Jun 0000Z to 8 Jun 2359Z. Bands (MHz): 1.8-28. Exchange: Year joined (if mbr), name, QTH15 Jun. Web site: http://pvrc.org/reunion_08.htm SEANET Contest, Phone/CW/Digital, from 7 Jun 1200Z to 8 Jun 1200Z. Bands (MHz): 3.5-28, CW--3.525,7.025,14.025,21.025,28.025, SSB--3.540/3.790,7.090,14.320,21.320,28.320. Exchange: RS(T), serial. Logs due: 31 Jul. Web site: http://www.sabah.net.my/seanet/ IARU Region I Field Day, CW, from 7 Jun 1500Z to 8 Jun 1459Z. Bands (MHz): 1.8-28. Exchange: RST, serial. Web site: IARU Society Web sites Alabama QSO Party, Phone/CW, from 7 Jun 1600Z to 8 Jun 0400Z. Bands (MHz): 1.8-28. Exchange: RS(T), county or S/P/C. Logs due: 30 days. Web site: http://www.AlabamaQSOParty.org Look Around In the Field, Phone/CW, from 7 Jun 1600Z to 7 Jun 2200Z. Bands (MHz): 1.8-28. Exchange: Call, RS(T), S/P/C, name, wildlife name. Logs due: 21 Jun. Web site: http://mysite.verizon.net/vze7v384/nj2om Digital Pentathlon - PSK, Digital, from 7 Jun 1800Z to 7 Jun 2200Z. Bands (MHz): 3.5-28. Exchange: Serial, 6-digit grid locator, power. Logs due: 30 Jul. Web site: http://dqso.net/start.html VHF+ CONTESTS Bill Windle QSO Party, CW, from 31 May 0000Z to 31 May 2359Z. Bands (MHz): 1.8-28, and 50,144, 15 to 40 kHz above band edge. Exchange: RST, name, FOC number. Logs due: 7-Jun. Web site: http://www.firstclasscw.org.uk Kids Roundup, Phone, from 31 May 1400Z to 1 Jun 2200Z. Bands (MHz): 3.5-28 and 50-440. Exchange: Call sign, QTH, category, first name. Logs due: 28-Jun. Web site: http://www.ki3ds.org LOG DUE DATES - 28 May through 11 June 2008 May 28 - Helvetia Contest, email logs to: contest@uska.ch, paper logs and diskettes to: Georges Strub, HB9DUH, 54 rue de St-Jean, 1213 Petite-Lancy, Switzerland. Find rules at: http://www.uska.ch/contest/hf/reglement_2006_e.pdf May 31 - Ontario QSO Party, email logs to: vy2mgy@sympatico.ca, paper logs and diskettes to: Ontario QSO Party, c/o Brian Campbell, 1357 Concession Road # 8, RR # 4 Tottenham, Ontario L0G 1W0, Canada. Find rules at: http://cco.ve3xd.com/oqp/rules.htm May 31 - Holyland DX Contest, email logs to: 4Z4KX@iarc.org, paper logs and diskettes to: Contest Manager 4Z4KX, Israel Amateur Radio Club, Box 17600, Tel Aviv 61176, Israel. Find rules at: http://hamradio.iarc.org/contests/holy2008rules.html May 31 - JIDX CW Contest, email logs to: cw@jidx.org, paper logs and diskettes to: JIDX CW Contest, c/o Five-Nine Magazine, PO Box 59, Kamata, Tokyo 144-8691, Japan. Find rules at: http://www.jidx.org/jidxrule-e.html May 31 - Montana QSO Party, email logs to: normsclassicradio@yahoo.com, paper logs and diskettes to: Norm Palin K7NCR, 68 Silver Leaf Drive, Kalispell, MT 59901, USA. Find rules at: http://www.fvarc.org/Events/events.htm May 31 - Nebraska QSO Party, email logs to: nqp@hdxa.net, paper logs and diskettes to: Nebraska QSO Party, c/o Steve Rasmussen N0WY, 312 N 6th Street, Plattsmouth, NE 68048-1302, USA. Find rules at: http://www.qsl.net/hdxa/neqso/neqso.htm May 31 - AGCW QRP/QRP Party, email logs to: qrp-party@agcw.de, paper logs and diskettes to: Manager, Jo (Juergen) Mertens, DJ4EY, Am Muehlenbruch 32, D-59581 Warstein, Germany. Find rules at: http://www.agcw.org/en/?Contests:QRP-QRP-Party May 31 - QRP Minimal Art Session, email logs to: dj7st@darc.de, paper logs and diskettes to: DJ7ST, Dr Hartmut Weber, Schlesierweg 13, D-38228 SALZGITTER, Germany. Find rules at: http://www.qrpcc.de/contestrules/mas/qrpmasr-e.html June 1 - Feld Hell Sprint, email logs to: feldhellcontest.comcast.net, Post log summary at: http://www.bambinomusical.com/autolog.html, paper logs and diskettes to: John Graf, WA6L, 23085 Old Ranch Rd, Alpine, CA 91901, USA. Find rules at: http://feldhellclub.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=60&Itemid=70 June 1 - Portuguese Navy Day Contest, email logs to: contest@nra.pt, paper logs and diskettes to: (none). Find rules at: http://www.nra.pt/php/bdContestRules.php?lang=en June 1 - QRP to the Field, email logs to: n0qt@arrl.net, paper logs and diskettes to: Jan Harden, N0QT, QRPTTF 2008, PO Box 1768, Socorro, NM 87801, USA. Find rules at: http://www.zianet.com/QRP/2008/qttfruls.html June 2 - VK/Trans-Tasman 80m Contest, Phone, email logs to: VK: vktasman@hotmail.com; ZL: vktasman@robglassey.com, paper logs and diskettes to: VK: VK/trans-Tasman Contest, 28 Crampton Crescent, Rosanna, VIC 3084, Australia; ZL:, VK/trans-Tasman Contest, PO Box 21-363, Christchurch 8143, New Zealand. Find rules at: http://home.iprimus.com.au/vktasman/RULES.HTM June 3 - ARI International DX Contest, email logs to: aricontest@ari.it, paper logs and diskettes to: ARI DX Contest, c/o ARI, Via Scarlatti 31, 20124 Milano, Italy. Find rules at: http://www.ari.it/hf/contests/rules/ari-international-dx.pdf June 3 - New England QSO Party, email logs to: logs@neqp.org, paper logs and diskettes to: NEQP, PO Box 3005, Framingham, MA 01705-3005, USA. Find rules at: http://www.neqp.org/rules.html June 5 - 7th Call Area QSO Party, email logs to: 7qplogs@codxc.org, paper logs and diskettes to: 7th Call Area QSO Party, c/o CODXC, 61255 Ferguson Rd, Bend, OR 97702, USA. Find rules at: http://www.codxc.com/new/Page.asp?Content=DRYLAND7S&Page=3 June 9 - FISTS Spring Sprint, email logs to: W8PIG@yahoo.com, paper logs and diskettes to: Dan Shepherd, N8IE, 1900 Pittsfield St, Kettering, OH 45420, USA. Find rules at: http://www.fists.org/sprints.html June 9 - MARAC SSB QSO Party, email logs to: k0ere@marac.org, paper logs and diskettes to: Bill Blake, K0ERE, 214 S First, Clearwater, KS 67026, USA. Find rules at: http://marac.org/ssbrules.htm June 9 - MARAC CW QSO Party, email logs to: aa8r@aol.com, paper logs and diskettes to: Randy Hatt, AA8R, 7878 W County Line Rd., Howard City, MI 49239, USA. Find rules at: http://marac.org/cwrules.htm June 10 - His Maj. King of Spain Contest, CW, email logs to: smreycw@ure.es, paper logs and diskettes to: URE HF Contests, PO Box 220, 28080 Madrid, Spain. Find rules at: http://www.ure.es/hf/concursos/smelrey/basessmreyingles.pdf ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Contest Update wishes to acknowledge information from the following sources: WA7BNM's Contest Calendar Web page - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal SM3CER's Web site - http://www.sk3bg.se/contest
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